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Waist bead tying instructions

Tying Instructions

 Step 1: Carefully remove your strand from its bag. (Strands may tangle slightly during shipping, gently untangle them)

Step 2: Wrap strand around your body meeting each end in the front. (Every strand has a knot or an anchor bead on each end that is a different color from beads usually white)

Step 3: Once you have strand positioned, overlap strand, twist twice, tie in a knot 2-3 times. (ensure that there are no spaces by pushing beads snug against each other before twisting)

Step 4: Cut anchor beads on each end and tie the excess string into a tight knot so that beads are comfortably snug in desired spot. Make 5-10 knots.

Step 5: Once strand feels secure gently move beads over thin knots and turn to the back. (Over time the knot will disappear under the beads)

Please remember to be patient when tying strands, using a mirror helps.

Please be mindful of pulling/tugging strands when getting undressed and taking bottoms down. Self tie waist beads are permanent, but are not indestructible. 

Please DO NOT play with your strand in the shower/pool during the first 2 weeks of wear.

Tutorial video is also available on Instagram "Tips and FAQs" highlight: @bktumi_


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